New Taekwondo
Free Trial Classes
Whilst Stageworx specialised in arts training, we also support our students in their passions and mentor them in creative ideas that are a positive contribution towards Youth Development. James Drumgoole is a previous Stageworx student who gained his confidence through our arts training methodologies and has now found a new passion in Taekwondo.
James Says "Taekwon-do does a lot to empower people both physically and psychologically. It can provide an individual with a sense of confidence and lift one's self-esteem which then as a result can give them the ability to express oneself more easily. It can be very helpful to people with anger management issues in particular as it teaches self-control which includes regulating ones emotions."
James will be offering a FREE trail class on 28 August.
13:00 - 14:30 - Juniors 8yrs - 11yrs
15:00 - 16:30 - Seniors 12yrs up.
If you would like to register for the trail class please follow the link below.