If you’re looking to expand your skill set and pursue a career your love, look no further. With our variety of courses, exceptional teachers and welcoming student environment, Stageworx School Of Performing Arts is the place for you.
Part Time Classes
For the creatives that are busy with school and want to invest in their creative learning and future creative potential

For the creative enthusiast who is considering a future career in the arts, the creative home-schooler or the university student that is wanting to continue with their arts development.

Full-Time 101/102 Courses
For those wishing to pursue an artistic career and is wanting a diverse, intensive training program.

Post Graduate Courses
Bridging the gap between training and career development.

Online Study
For the far away creatives that want the benefit of Stageworx training but cannot travel.

External Examinations
Trinity London College, RSL London and More.